You open the door to a room full and waiting Of faces so eager and bright One more day, after one more long night spent preparing You'd never know it from the spark in your eyes With everything you have - you're giving Yet your dreams kept vibrant and real With everything you teach - you're living That is something every Talmid can feel Behind each child stands a Rebbe With a heart that's open wide Behind each story there's a Rebbe Who's bringing the words to life Behind each smile you reach potential With passion and with time Yes Rebbe you make them shine And the fire in you Rebbe, is one that you instill To keep moving higher Rebbe though your days and nights are filled And we as partners stand together supporting all you do Yes Rebbe we are with you We entrust you our children - we know you will guide them And go to the ends of the earth To believe in them, see in them, each one a diamond And who more than you knows their worth It's your cheshek and joy in this role That ignites our greatest respect We are family we share the same goal With all you invest, you deserve nothing less Behind each child stands a Rebbe With a heart that's open wide Behind each story there's a Rebbe Who's bringing the words to life Behind each smile you reach potential, with passion and with time, Yes Rebbe you make them shine And the fire in you Rebbe, is one that you instill, To keep moving higher Rebbe though your days and nights are filled, And we as partners stand together supporting all you do Yes Rebbe we are with you And despite the pressures riding on your shoulders You keep shteiging on A Rebbe, yet still a talmid who is growing within himself Empowered by this strength that drives him And by those who stand beside him And looking at each Talmid you can tell That behind this child - there's you- Rebbe …… With your heart that's open wide Behind this success there's you Rebbe Who encourages with pride Behind that smile you found potential, with your passion and with time, Yes Rebbe you made them shine Yes Rebbe you made them shine